Dusty Blue Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Dusty Blue Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Dusty Blue Plywood Play Fridge € 338.00
This is a perfect play fridge for your little chef. A perfect place where to store your play food and play dishes. Young chefs will be able to store in the fridge all of their pretend play food, kitchen appliances, and other play items. This fridge is a realistic addition to any play kitchen. A great way to teach children about the things we put in the fridge, and why. It encourages creative and imaginative play.   Play Fridge requires adult assembly. Made from the best quality FSC certified plywood — responsibly sourced materials. For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium. Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate. Conforms to current European safety standards. Age 12+ months   Dimensions
Dusty Blue Wooden Play Kitchen - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Dusty Blue Wooden Play Kitchen - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Dusty Blue Wooden Play Kitchen € 597.00
Bespoke wooden play kitchen called ZOE. Handcrafted kid's play kitchen includes oven, cupboard, hob, sink, water tap, and drawer.Inspire your little chef or baker with their own little kitchen. The surface has enough space for them to make a 'bake' which can then be popped in the oven (with magnetic door) or set on the hob to 'cook'. Utensils and equipment can then be packed away in the handy cupboard or placed on the rack above the sink. For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium.  Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate.This item can also be custom built to your requirements. Please get in touch to discuss this. Happy baking!
Dusty Green Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Dusty Green Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Dusty Green Plywood Play Fridge € 338.00
This is a perfect play fridge for your little chef. A perfect place where to store your play food and play dishes. Young chefs will be able to store in the fridge all of their pretend play food, kitchen appliances, and other play items. This fridge is a realistic addition to any play kitchen. A great way to teach children about the things we put in the fridge, and why. It encourages creative and imaginative play.   Play Fridge requires adult assembly. Made from the best quality FSC certified plywood — responsibly sourced materials. For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium. Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate. Conforms to current European safety standards. Age 12+ months   Dimensions
Dusty Green Wooden Play Kitchen - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Dusty Green Wooden Play Kitchen - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Dusty Green Wooden Play Kitchen € 597.00
Bespoke wooden play kitchen called ZOE is now available in a dusty green edition. Handcrafted kid's play kitchen includes oven, cupboard, hob, sink, water tap, and drawer.Inspire your little chef or baker with their own little kitchen. The surface has enough space for them to make a 'bake' which can then be popped in the oven (with magnetic door) or set on the hob to 'cook'. Utensils and equipment can then be packed away in the handy cupboard or placed on the rack above the sink.For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium. Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate.This item can also be custom built to your requirements. Please get in touch to discuss this. Happy baking!
Dusty Pink Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Dusty Pink Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Dusty Pink Plywood Play Fridge € 338.00
This is a perfect play fridge for your little chef. A perfect place where to store your play food and play dishes. Young chefs will be able to store in the fridge all of their pretend play food, kitchen appliances, and other play items. This fridge is a realistic addition to any play kitchen. A great way to teach children about the things we put in the fridge, and why. It encourages creative and imaginative play.   Play Fridge requires adult assembly. Made from the best quality FSC certified plywood — responsibly sourced materials. For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium. Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate. Conforms to current European safety standards. Age 12+ months   Dimensions
Handcrafted Wooden Play Kitchen - Dusty Pink - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Handcrafted Wooden Play Kitchen - Dusty Pink - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Handcrafted Wooden Play Kitchen - Dusty Pink € 597.00
Bespoke wooden play kitchen called ZOE. Handcrafted kid's play kitchen includes oven, cupboard, hob, sink, water tap, and drawer.Inspire your little chef or baker with their own little kitchen. The surface has enough space for them to make a 'bake' which can then be popped in the oven (with magnetic door) or set on the hob to 'cook'. Utensils and equipment can then be packed away in the handy cupboard or placed on the rack above the sink. For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium. Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate.This item can also be custom built to your requirements. Please get in touch to discuss. Happy baking!
Chocolate Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Chocolate Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Koka Spēļu Ledusskapis - Wooden Play Fridge € 338.00
🇱🇻LV🇱🇻Šī ir lieliska spēļu ledusskapja izvēle jūsu mazajam šefpavāram. Ideāla vieta, kur glabāt rotaļu ēdienus un traukus! Mazie pavāri varēs ievietot ledusskapī visu savu izdomāto ēdienu, virtuves piederumus un citas rotaļlietas. Šis ledusskapis ir reālistisks papildinājums jebkurai spēļu virtuvei. Lieliska iespēja bērniem mācīt, ko un kāpēc mēs glabājam ledusskapī, veicinot radošas un iztēles pilnas rotaļas. Svarīga informācija: Spēļu ledusskapja montāža nepieciešama pieaugušajam. Izgatavots no augstas kvalitātes FSC sertificētas saplākšņa – atbildīgi iegūti materiāli. Virsmu pārklājumam tiek izmantoti Rubio Monocoat produkti – unikālas augu izcelsmes cietā vaska eļļas un beices no Beļģijas. Spēļu ledusskapim ir EN 71-3 rotaļlietu standarta sertifikāts un tas atbilst aktuālajiem Eiropas drošības standartiem. Piemērots bērniem no 12 mēnešu vecuma. 🇬🇧EN🇬🇧 This is a perfect play fridge for your little chef. A perfect place where to store your play food and play dishes. Young chefs will be able to store in the fridge all of their pretend play food, kitchen appliances, and other play items. This fridge is a realistic addition to any play kitchen. A great way to teach children about the things we put in the fridge, and why. It encourages creative and imaginative play.   Play Fridge requires adult assembly. Made from the best quality FSC certified plywood — responsibly sourced materials. For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium. Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate. Conforms to current European safety standards. Age 12+ months   Dimensions
Plywood Play Pizza - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Plywood Play Pizza - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Koka Spēļu Pica - Plywood Play Pizza € 51.00
🇱🇻LV🇱🇻Šī saplākšņa spēļu pica ir jautra un aizraujoša rotaļlieta, ko jūsu bērns noteikti iemīlēs! Izgatavota no FSC sertificēta saplākšņa un rūpīgi krāsota ar drošām rotaļlietu krāsām. Spēļu pica ir lielisks papildinājums jebkurai spēļu virtuvei. Komplektā ietilpst picas pamatne, siers, tomāti un rukolas lapiņas, lai jūsu mazais šefpavārs varētu radīt jautrus un radošus izdomātus ēdienus. Picas komplekta izmēri: 30 cm x 30 cm (11.8" x 11.8")Katra picas elementa biezums: 4 mm (0.15") 🇬🇧EN🇬🇧 This plywood play pizza is a fun and engaging toy that your child is sure to love! Made of FSC Certified plywood and painted by artisan's hand with toy safe paints. Plywood Play Pizza is a fantastic addition to any play kitchen. This set includes a pizza base, cheese, tomatoes, and rocket leaves, so your little chef can create fun pretend play meals.Dimmensions of pizza set: 30cm x 30 cm (11.8" x 11.8")The thickness of every pizza part: 4mm (0.15")
Koka Spēļu Trauku Mašīna - Wooden Play Dishwasher Koka Spēļu Trauku Mašīna - Wooden Play Dishwasher
Koka Spēļu Trauku Mašīna - Wooden Play Dishwasher € 387.00
  🇱🇻LV🇱🇻 Iepazīstinām ar jaunāko Midmini virtuves skapīšu sērijas papildinājumu – koka spēļu trauku mazgājamo mašīnu! Tā izstrādāta ar tādu pašu rūpību un uzmanību pret detaļām kā mūsu iemīļotā veļasmašīna, padarot to par ideālu rotaļu papildinājumu radošām spēlēm. Unikāls jauninājums, kas vēl nekad nav bijis izstrādāts: šajā rotaļu ierīcē ir divas atsperpogas – lielā poga, kuru var pagriezt, radot taktilu skaņu, kas ievērojami uzlabo spēles pieredzi, un slīdņa poga, kuru var pārvietot no kreisās uz labo pusi. Šīs funkcijas ir īpaši veidotas, lai palīdzētu attīstīt bērnu sīko motoriku. Tāpat kā citi Midmini produkti, koka spēļu trauku mazgājamā mašīna ir ar rokām veidota no 100% FSC sertificēta bērza saplākšņa, nodrošinot augstu kvalitāti un ilgtspējību. Jūs varat būt droši, ka produkts ir rūpīgi pārbaudīts un atbilst visiem Eiropas drošības standartiem. Ļaujiet saviem mazajiem iegrimt izdomu pasaulē, pildot mājas darbus šajā burvīgajā spēļu ierīcē. Atveriet durvis, ievietojiet mazas trauku vai leļļu galda piederumu kopijas un ļaujiet rotaļām plaukt – pagrieziet rokturi, izvēloties pareizo programmu, līdz trauki ir "spodri tīri". Tā ir burvju pieredze, kas piešķir rotaļām reālismu. Pieejama visos Midmini standarta krāsu toņos un pielāgojama jūsu izvēlētajam krāsas kodam, šī trauku mazgājamā mašīna ir ideāli piemērota jebkurai spēļu virtuvei. Draudzīgs brīdinājums vīna glāzes pavadībā: Atgādiniet saviem mazajiem, lai viņi nelieto šo trauku mazgājamo mašīnu kā oriģinālu cepuri vai neiekļauj to paslēpju spēlēs. Lai cik jauki tas varētu izskatīties, ziņojiet arī nevainīgiem mājdzīvniekiem par šo jauno multifunkcionālo papildinājumu. Kāmīši varētu atrast to aizraujošu, bet lielākiem mājdzīvniekiem lūdzu sniedziet skaidrojumu. Ja tomēr rodas kādas problēmas, remontu atstājiet mums – mēs lepojamies ar savu neaizstājamo statusu (jā, tas ir liels vārds, bet mēs tam piekrītam). Montāža: Montāža ir ļoti vienkārša – trauku mazgājamā mašīna tiek piegādāta jau samontēta. Jums tikai jāpiestiprina četras kājiņas. Izmēri: Augstums: 50 cm / 19 ¹¹/₁₆″ Platums: 40 cm / 15 ³/₄″ Dziļums: 38 cm / 14 ⁶¹/₆₄″ Ļaujiet saviem mazajiem iegrimt radošās rotaļās ar mūsu koka spēļu trauku mazgājamo mašīnu. Pasūtiet jau tagad un ļaujiet "mazgāšanas darbiem" sākties! 🇬🇧EN🇬🇧 Introducing our latest addition to the Midmini kitchen cabinet series – the Wooden Play Dishwasher! Crafted with the same attention to detail as our beloved washing machine, this charming and functional play appliance is perfect for imaginative play. An upgrade that has never been developed before: For this product, we have two spring buttons – a large button that you can rotate, providing a tactile sound that significantly enhances the play experience. Additionally, a slider button is designed to slide from left to right. All these features are created to enable your child to develop small motor skills. Just like its sibling, the Midmini Wooden Play Dishwasher is handcrafted from 100% FSC certified birch plywood, ensuring both quality and sustainability. Rest assured, it has undergone rigorous testing and meets all European safety standards for your peace of mind. Immerse your little ones in the world of make-believe household chores with this delightful play dishwasher. Open the doors, place tiny dishes or doll-sized cutlery inside, and let the imaginative play unfold as they rotate the handle, setting the right program until the dishes are brilliantly clean. It's a magical experience that adds a touch of realism to their playtime. Available in all Midmini standard colors and customizable with your preferred color code, our Wooden Play Dishwasher is designed to complement any play kitchen setup. Friendly warning over a glass of chilled wine:Remind your little ones not to use the dishwasher as a quirky hat or involve it in games of hide and seek. Cute as it may seem, some innocent animals may be curious about this new multi-purpose addition. While hamsters might find it amusing, please keep larger pets informed. In the unlikely event of any issues, leave the fixing to us. We pride ourselves on being indispensable—yes, it's a big word, but we stand by it! Assembly is a breeze – the dishwasher comes pre-assembled, and you'll only need to attach the four legs. Measurements: Height: 50cm  /  19 ¹¹/₁₆″Width: 40cm  /  15 ³/₄″Depth: 38cm  /  14 ⁶¹/₆₄″ Immerse your little ones in a world of creativity and play with our Wooden Play Dishwasher. Order now and let the make-believe washing up begin!
Exclusive Small Batch Offer - Wooden Washing Machine - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Exclusive Small Batch Offer - Wooden Washing Machine - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Koka Spēļu Veļas Mašīna - Wooden Washing Machine € 387.00
🇱🇻LV🇱🇻 Koka veļasmašīna Šī ir mūsu pirmais produkts no jaunās virtuves skapīšu sērijas. Midmini koka veļasmašīna ir rūpīgi izgatavota no 100% FSC sertificēta bērza saplākšņa, pārbaudīta un atbilst Eiropas drošības standartiem. Atveriet durvis, ielieciet dvieļus vai leļļu drēbītes un sāciet mazgāt, griežot rokturi, kas rotēs veļasmašīnas cilindru.Brīnums? Jā, īsts brīnums! Pieejama visos Midmini standarta krāsu toņos, kā arī pēc pasūtījuma izgatavotās krāsās. BRĪDINĀJUMI Draudzīgs brīdinājums vīna glāzes pavadībā: Neļaujiet bērniem izmantot veļasmašīnu kā lielu ķiveri vai spēlēties "paslēpes" ar tās palīdzību. Informējiet arī mājdzīvniekus (piemēram, kaķus un mazus suņus) par iespējamo neplānotu pārvietošanu uz šo jauno multifunkcionālo objektu. Lai arī tas šķiet nevainīgs, mūsu mazajiem ir ļoti radoša domāšana. Starp citu, kāmīši varētu to uzskatīt par interesantu rotaļu vietu. Ja notiek neparedzēts "aprīkojuma darbības traucējums", jebšu lūzums, ļaujiet "mājas vīram" mierīgi atpūsties. Tikai mēs spējam to salabot, jo uzskatām sevi par neaizstājamiem (jā, liels vārds, mēs zinām). Tagad nopietni: Nekad neatstājiet bērnu bez uzraudzības, lietojot veļasmašīnu. Tas attiecas ne tikai uz īstajām, bet arī uz šīm koka veļasmašīnām. Nav piemērots bērniem, kas jaunāki par 3 gadiem – viņi vēl nespēj izlasīt etiķetes vai sekot instrukcijām. Drošības nolūkos pārliecinieties, ka skrūves ir pievilktas un droši nostiprinātas pirms katras lietošanas reizes. Šis ir ļoti svarīgi – TikTok un YouTube var atrast šausmu stāstus par bērniem, kuri norij sīkās detaļas. Montāža: Veļasmašīna tiek piegādāta jau samontēta. Jums tikai jāpieskrūvē četras kājiņas. Izmēri: Augstums: 50 cm Platums: 40 cm Dziļums: 38 cm 🇬🇧EN🇬🇧 The wooden washing machine is our first product from our new kitchen cabinet series product. Midmini Wooden Washing Machine is handcrafted from 100% FSC certified birch plywood, and it has been tested and meets the European safety standards. Open the doors,  put your towels or doll clothes inside  and start washing by rotating the handle (that will swivel the washing machine’s drum) Magic! yes, real magic! Available in all Midmini standard colours as well as in custom colour code.WARNINGS - TWO TYPES (to make you notice them)Friendly warning over a glass of chilled wine: Do not encourage your children to wear the washing machine as an oversize helmet or to play hide and seek with it.  Also, keep innocent animals such as cats and small dogs informed about the possibility of dislocation to this newly acquired multi-purpose facility.  It may look like an innocent play but our little ones have a crafty mind.  Hamsters may find it cute and entertaining though. In the highly unlikely event of equipment malfunction aka breakage we urge you to leave your man of the house alone.  There is no one in this green wide world that can fix this except us….. why you may ask - well, we like to think of ourselves as indispensable. Big word, I know.  Now the serious ones: Never leave your child unattended when using the washing machine. Yes, not only the ‘real’ one but also this wooden one.  It is NOT suitable for children under three years old. They simply can’t read the labels and are not yet good at following instructions. For safety reasons, make sure to tighten and secure the screws by every use.  This is actually a biggie - see TikTok and YouTube for some horror shots on how kids swallow things that are not bolted down and/or running lose.Assembly: The washing machine comes pre-assembled. You will only need to put in four legs.  Measurements: • Height: 50cm • Width: 40cm • Depth: 38cm  
Dusty Green Wooden Play Kitchen - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Dusty Green Wooden Play Kitchen - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Koka spēļu virtuvīte - Handcrafted Wooden Play Kitchen € 597.00
🇱🇻LV🇱🇻Mūsu īpašā koka spēļu virtuvīte ZOE tagad pieejama modernā putekļzaļā tonī. Roku darbs, kas veidots ar mīlestību, ietver krāsni, skapīti, plīti, izlietni, ūdenskrānu un atvilktni. Iedvesmojiet savu mazo šefpavāru vai konditoru ar viņa paša īpašo virtuvi! Plašā darba virsma ir lieliski piemērota, lai "ceptu", savukārt gatavos ēdienus var ievietot krāsnī (ar magnētiskām durvīm) vai "gatavot" uz plīts. Pēc "gatavošanas" traukus un piederumus var ērti sakārtot skapītī vai novietot plauktiņā virs izlietnes. Virtuves virsmas pārklājumam mēs izmantojam Rubio Monocoat produktus – augstākās kvalitātes augu izcelsmes cieto vaska eļļu un beices no Beļģijas.Virtuvītei ir EN 71-3 sertifikāts, kas apliecina tās drošību kā rotaļlietai.   🇬🇧EN🇬🇧 Bespoke wooden play kitchen called ZOE is now available in a dusty green edition. Handcrafted kid's play kitchen includes oven, cupboard, hob, sink, water tap, and drawer.Inspire your little chef or baker with their own little kitchen. The surface has enough space for them to make a 'bake' which can then be popped in the oven (with magnetic door) or set on the hob to 'cook'. Utensils and equipment can then be packed away in the handy cupboard or placed on the rack above the sink.For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium. Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate.Happy baking!  
Lilac Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Lilac Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Lilac Plywood Play Fridge € 338.00
This is a perfect play fridge for your little chef. A perfect place where to store your play food and play dishes. Young chefs will be able to store in the fridge all of their pretend play food, kitchen appliances, and other play items. This fridge is a realistic addition to any play kitchen. A great way to teach children about the things we put in the fridge, and why. It encourages creative and imaginative play.   Play Fridge requires adult assembly. Made from the best quality FSC certified plywood — responsibly sourced materials. For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium. Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate. Conforms to current European safety standards. Age 12+ months   Dimensions
Lilac Wooden Play Kitchen - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Lilac Wooden Play Kitchen - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Lilac Wooden Play Kitchen € 597.00
A handcrafted wooden play kitchen called ZOE is now available in a milk-white edition. Handcrafted kid's play kitchen includes oven, cupboard, hob, sink, water tap, and drawer. Thanks to magnetic hold, you can easily remove burners and sink, so you can have a clean countertop surface.Inspire your little chef or baker with their own little kitchen. The surface has enough space for them to make a 'bake' which can then be popped in the oven (with magnetic door) or set on the hob to 'cook'. Utensils and equipment can then be packed away in the handy cupboard or placed on the rack above the sink.For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium. Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate.This item can also be custom built to your requirements. Please get in touch to discuss this. Happy baking!
Mahogany Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture Mahogany Plywood Play Fridge - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Mahogany Plywood Play Fridge € 338.00
This is a perfect play fridge for your little chef. A perfect place where to store your play food and play dishes. Young chefs will be able to store in the fridge all of their pretend play food, kitchen appliances, and other play items. This fridge is a realistic addition to any play kitchen. A great way to teach children about the things we put in the fridge, and why. It encourages creative and imaginative play.   Play Fridge requires adult assembly. Made from the best quality FSC certified plywood — responsibly sourced materials. For the surface coating, we use Rubio Monocoat products which are unique plant-based hard-wax oils and stains produced in Belgium. Play kitchen has a Toy standard EN 71-3 certificate. Conforms to current European safety standards. Age 12+ months   Dimensions
Midmini E-Gift Card - MIDMINI - Plywood Furniture
Midmini E-Gift Card from € 50.00 € 50.00
Shopping for someone else but not sure what to give them? Give them an e-gift card!Gift cards are delivered by email and contain instructions to redeem them at checkout. Our gift cards have no additional processing fees. Once purchased, a code will be emailed to the email address used at the checkout. You can either use the recipient's email address at check out, so they receive the code directly, or you can use your own email address and forward the code to the recipient.  Redeemable at midmini.shop  How to get it: Delivers instantly to the email you choose at checkout Nonrefundable and cannot be used to purchase other gift cards Does not count toward shipping costs or other promotions E-Gift Cards do not expire!
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